negative things
I didn't let Sam know that I went to the gym. And even he came here after finish his work.
- I felt so sorry to him and said to him that I am truly sorry, and he said it is OK. And he apologize to me about yesterday that he didn't come. But, actually he let me know at the time so there was no point, but he did it anyway. What a cool guy.
I drank a beer, I should quit for a while to focus on my thing instead.
positive things
I studied English
I practiced playing the piano
I cooked for my dinner
I went to the gym(pro active- punch course). it was for free, anyway was really good I learned about kick boxing.
I went there because I wanted to but after a few minutes I regretted that I was there, it was so grateful feeling that I should feel sometimes, because I do know I like to settle somehow, but also I do know if I did that I would regret it. Learn know thing is really make me so be humble.
after I watched ted talk "Chrystia Freeland: The rise of the new global super-rich" I got an odd conclusion. Actually it is sort of weird theory about power thing. haha.. and "information" means anything.
"in these days there is hips of information everywhere, and some smart people using that truth to give us unlimited information with reasonable publish aim why they are there like information has to be share to everyone, socializing is the key to connect people etc. Smart people will understand that and use them for their one of tools to achieve something that they want to or etc but not as a goal but that's not for normal people. anyway this is happening everywhere just only thing we have to aware from is that what our focus is at and focus on it but be aware at addiction."
And I share those kind of subjects with Doug(from. Canada) on facebook. Was fun time. :)
actually after below question to Sangil we had personal conversation abut my childhood. Bulling. But he understood it. I'm really grad that I talk to him and discuss abut it to figure out to move forward.
I asked some of my friends all over the world who have open mind and inspire me a lot about
Q. I don't understand why you are living sooo passionately.
Martin (from. Canada -Quebec)
when I asked him about this question he said to me that want to know if I'm real me or someone else. So I proved myself, first.
Maybe i'm not happy inside me and I make people think i am...
maybe I envy you. you looked very happy too, I've never seen you grumpy, and I envy your flexibility, you are like a ninja.
Sangil (from. South Korea)
Haha its an od question you know I'm very childish. I don't give a fuck to traditions or what other people think. I only do what I love. That's why I'm making game. I am kinda lucky one because I can make money with doing what I love. So I guess don't give a fuck is the really good way of live.
Ziggy (from. Russia)
Living passionately? ))) it's easy... simply create a habit for spontaneous, unplanned moves to anywhere your mind flows... you will have no choice but to face the challenges life would present to you along the way...
so, no matter how hard the road may be, in the end you still know that it was worth it...
still working on it.
Sambath (from. France)
Because I'm free my friend Freedom is what it makes me happy.
faith, If you believe in yourself, you can do a lot of things.
I've no hesitation about what I think, feel. Hope you will find happiness as well. Enjoy the little things is really important.
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