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Working Holiday/New Zealand


negative things

expected something from Eliana, she has just been 3 weeks or so, and today was a bit busy. There was no point to expect from someone. And even I was sick I might still sick, Tina was sick, Eliana was... sick?! I don't know anyway less expectation would be great on just focus on work.

I didn't absent even I felt sick.. I should treat myself well.

positive things

noticed it when I feel sick my conscious is about to sleep so I better aware about it and... maybe I better absent instead.

practiced playing the piano

studied English

posted on several facebook group about a house to rent.

- after that someone contacted me and asked me if I got a house and have some space for someone then let her know.

read book "end of power"


'Working Holiday > New Zealand' 카테고리의 다른 글

(18.Janurary.2015)  (0) 2015.01.18
(17.January.2015)  (0) 2015.01.17
(15.January.2015)  (0) 2015.01.15
(14.Janurary.2015)  (0) 2015.01.14
(13.January.2015)  (0) 2015.01.13