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Working Holiday/New Zealand


After I made a plan "to be a batter person than yesterday",

I did one thing today. Rechi is the person I was be bothered by. And today, she bothered me again.
When there was phone on the fish trailer so I picked up at the same time she came, I predicted abut the phone that might be the order one. So I asked to her whether she wanted it or, but after she so me,

"You want to do that?!(angrily) Then take it!!" as thrown a pen on the fish trailer.

At the moment, I had no idea what just happened after for a moment I got it. It was her bad mode expression to me. Just to me, no one else. It made me up set. So I asked her whether I do wrong something. But she said no, and said if I had any problem, so I said no, but I wasn't sure if that was it or not, so asked again and I said

"If you have any problem please tell me."

then she said "shut up." but I didn't back away, I kept asked her, and she said if I wanted to keep talking then go ahead with keep working. So I said "yes I will."

hm... what did I do wrong.., anyway I will keep it up.

That was one of my weaknesses and I move a bit forward today. Wasn't happy thing to do but it was necessary thing to do so.

I did well. keep it up Young!

Actually I could have day off today, because my feeling wasn't good. Maybe because of the situation with her but not sure, anyway, I needed it.

negative things

didn't have a day-off today, I should take care of myself.

didn't cook for work it's a shame.

didn't practice well abut the piano and study English hm.. I should try harder.

I had a beer after work, I should be careful, I don't want to be a alcoholic.

positive things

I did study English

I did practice playing the piano

I did reading a book

I went to work for solving the problem with Rechi and I argued with her. It was necessary to be done.

I bought some food for my dinner at work, now I care less about spending money, it is good thing, because I'm getting recognized when I should spend money

I had a beer after work, small joyful is one of things I should do sometimes.

I got a message from Young, she told me she would come over at 11:30 or so tomorrow. I have no idea how relationship works with girls but it would be a good examination for me. Also I wanted to share with her some good experiences. Because she is a good person to me so far. 

the flat mates fed me with some cookies and pasta and chocolate bar. So I shared my beer with them.(it is not about give and take it, but I like share something with people who I want to share with and makes me happy, so on)
