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Working Holiday/New Zealand


positive things

I noticed about that I was writing negative things as well so I had to notice about it and as a result my mind think is working two ways negative way and positive way. I can choose just positive way to thing or just positive things so I don't have to be disturbed by that way of thinking. Life is short, I don't have time to take care about that way of think anymore.

in facebook they just have "Like" button. because the same reason as me.

Move forward not backward.

still feeling sick but I will never give up to move forward. has to be done is has to be done.

studied English

I had a hard time with this sentence "I now turn to Freud, from whose work the following quotation is taken."

I first searched on google. failed.

when to facebook, the time Susan was on, so I asked her.

And now I know what that mean is.

practiced playing the piano

into Robin's life today

- went to "wast baster" witch is recycling centre.

- went to the tattoo shop in town which hasn't been along well with Robin

didn't go well what he wanted to get from those places but he didn't care much, what a cool guy.!

I noticed that I better start my main ability as the plan said which is in the plan to be better person project number 10.

mastering a certain skillset or trait will allow you to beat the competition with less effort

And my major is computer science, I chose this major because I don't need not much energy but the fact can be huge.

find the most useful language.

Trying from a small project and I will see how it goes.

At work, I talk with Tayler about pattern. from Valonica's parents, as her farther is a lawyer and her mother is a judge. so I guessed that there must be some pattern to them to be in those positions. Anyway, reading a lot and socializing isn't enough pattern to analyze to get some results.

the work circumstance is getting close to my expectation which I was thinking about like equal and lively.

I asked Susan about
I'm collecting some information about the people who are living passionately and they do what they love,
so I want to know about you and your husband's case why? if you don't mind to share with me.

on process....


'Working Holiday > New Zealand' 카테고리의 다른 글

(19.Janurary.2015)  (0) 2015.01.19
(18.Janurary.2015)  (0) 2015.01.18
(16.January.2015)  (0) 2015.01.16
(15.January.2015)  (0) 2015.01.15
(14.Janurary.2015)  (0) 2015.01.14