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Working Holiday/New Zealand


negative things

I shouldn't mix the situation which I don't want to get involved. (I shouldn't get Young's- Korean girl number)

 - During the time with her I tried to have some common conversation but she was one of typical Korean girl that I imagined. I might judge her by my limited imagination but, even though, I just would say she was negative after all... talking about bad things like how to get a job after go back Korea as she wanted to be a stewardess in a air plane company. there was one thing positive thing is that she knows what she wants to do. Was working in a cafe as a server. I liked it. Because I still haven't decided it yet. But even though, she was worrying about other people's thinking who will judge by their limited imagination. I guess it's one of Korea's typical mind though.

And she has a boyfriend... omg.. been together 5 years or so she said.

I might pretend to be someone who I wasn't. Because, first time when we met that time I was a bit different than today, so it might be.. and also next time I should ask about hobby or something else not English, or something that might cause to make bad mood.

I have no idea with Michaela, she seems trying to ignore me somehow, but whatever I cannot change her attitude so I will get over it.

- even though she accepted me first time when I was looking for a room to rent. She is good person after all.

positive things

studied English

practiced playing piano

the experimentation which I wanted to get involved all the time was sort of success.

- result: I think I made her happy today.

             I should try more sometimes. So, I might find right one who I can be with.

             learn how to cook Sujebi, Vege jeon.

I asked a question to three people who are good at socializing. Because, I wanted to know whether I'm doing well or, because I still sometimes feel weird.

As a result I'm doing well I suppose. 

Q. I do know why socializing is important but I don't know how to.


Max(from. German)

Well its harder for you if you do it in english but id say don't be a people pleaser but still make other people feel good about themselves, but don't put your own morals short, so just be yourself as powerful as you can.
the biggest help is be real.

Karel(from. Czech)

You have to be friendly, but be distance and not to let people body

As I am and I must not pretend.

Dowon(from. Korea)

잘하고 못하는게 아니라 조건없이 공통된관심사로 마음을 열고 대화하는게 아닌가
먼저 다가와주길 바라지말고 먼저 다가갈때도있고 다가오는사람 끌어당기기도하고 그런거 아니나

그런데 확실한건 다양한사람 다양한인간들 사이에서 꼭 내가 원하는 사람만 만날수없으니 나랑 맞지 않아도 받아주고 이해하며 만나면 정들고 그렇지 않나! 한다 나는....

세상을 살면서 가장 큰 인간관계의 깨우침은 내가 먼저 관심을 가져주고, 내가 먼저 사랑을 베풀어 주면 나를 미워하는 사람이 없다는 사실입니다.-생각을 뒤집으면 인생이 즐겁다 중에서-
