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Working Holiday/New Zealand

got a work visa - try to be myself

"Never limit yourself because of others' limited imagination, never limit others because of your own limited imagination."

- Mae Jemison

"I think one has to have the courage to be oneself and say whatever comes naturally."

annoying boss


some times keep saying the same thing to me that it isn't necessary to hear from her. witch cause me not to concentrate my job.

some times give me more than two jobs at the same time, I am a person not people as push me up hard so I feel that I have to rush or hurry(Working as a team section - Speak clearly & listen carefully)

discrimination - I'm the one of members not a supervisor I been here for over 3 months but that doesn't mean that I have to be the one to be her listener and do everything she said without share with other colleagues.

harassment - when she has bad mode then express at work, some times to me.


I heard that she has been working in Deli more than 3 years or so. So, I'm respecting her experience.

I know as she said she got more pay than me as a supervisor something, So, I should follow her commend, but that doesn't mean she can annoy me, or whatever she said everything is right. and that doesn't mean she doesn't have to do anything but just order someone to do something.


tell her what I feel, if it doesn't work then tell "Troy" to solve the problem or to "Adrienne" as I'm not just here for work but joyful, get to know about New Zealand, other people's positive attitude that I can learn, improve myself as I don't have limit to learn, prove that I am right even when I was middle school I got bulled by the same grade students so I couldn't joy my school life at the time(it was really hard time and I now realized that I should be myself and say whatever comes naturally at the time.)


I never thought it will be easy to achieve something which I want to, So, this is going to be really meaningful experience to me to grow up. Easy to understand with my head, but hard to follow by heart.




I just told her tonight that I felt so bad last Saturday.

Q. Why did you bully me?!

A. I was so mad because of everyone who didn't do their job properly. So I told to everyone what hasn't been done.

Q. I did do my best at the time, even though, you express to me with your bad emotion.

A. I did to every one.

result: Then, doesn't matter work hard or not you can express everything to everyone.


When I got to work, she told me to change my hat to other one that can cover my hair perfectly.

But thing is that it has been told that it is OK to wear by Troy. I asked him once and he said OK. So be it.


'Working Holiday > New Zealand' 카테고리의 다른 글

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