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Working Holiday/New Zealand

a few experiments for my next stage

my main aim in overseas is find myself but I cannot find without do anything so I can change my focus to improving English with positive attitude. Maybe I want to be the person who I want to be like down below.

do not let emotion controls me, it is only matter of choice, try to control it.

at work

- try to have positive attitude

1. socialization, communication

- try to get to know people who they are.

- try to find out their potential abilities.

- try not to judge them by my limited imagination.

2. balance between work and me (physically, mentally)

- work hard, but doesn't mean that I don't have to use my brain.

   - try to focus on what is first thing has to be done at the time.

   - try to focus on what is the best way to finish early at the day.

   - try to focus on the customers needs what they want.

   - try to focus on how to solve effectively the problem if there is a problem.

   - try not to focus on colleagues' negative thinking

   - try not to be hurry and, panic because everything will be OK whatever the situation is.

3. leader ship

- type

   - supervise

   - doing

   - supervise and doing

at home

- try to have positive attitude

- try not to focus negative feeling or fear because it is not healthy at all.

   - if have any problem then try to solve it and I cannot solve it then try to accept it and move on.

- try not to be hurry on anything if I want it and keep doing it someday I will get the goal anyway, if it is not but still better than not tried.

0. friends (socialization)

- for living(life isn't possible to live without friends)

- not funny without people who can laugh with.

- I do not know when I need someone's help.

1. plan

- exploration and expending my ability

2. studying English

- means to work or live in overseas

- advanced grammar in use

   - read 3 pages a day

- find out an English teacher

   - find out what I need at the moment and improve my weaknesses

3. piano, reading

- mental exercise

- finish a book minimum every two weeks

4. work out

- for health and, clearing my mind

5. traveling

- for refreshing my mind

6. money

- target amount: NZD 10,000

- not first thing to care about but always need some.

- just for unpredictable future

   - I will use it whatever I want to use (like traveling, visiting someone, buying something that I need - car, motorcycle, etc, studying something that I want to learn in short period of time)



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