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Working Holiday/New Zealand

December. 2014 - January. 2015

December. 2014 - January. 2015

Had my birthday party

- 3th of December is my passport birthday. At the day, I bought a birthday cake for me. Because, I deserved it, so I had to treat myself well. I guess it is enough reason for that I did. Actually, I really liked it. My house mates celebrate me. I am happy with that.

Met a girl who was from Czech.

- We met in Christmas eve party at our house. It was Czech party. So, I had to bring fish for dinner. It was traditional thing. I bought monkfish. And some beers. A few hours later, I was asking some questions to a Canadian guy(Doug, bee keeper) who can play the violin about

Q. his aim in New Zealand and after go back his country. then what is in his mind?! He was here for making money but I guess new experiences as well otherwise he could make some money in Canada instead.

A. I remember we talked about business. Because I was talking with Vitech about the differences in our beliefs, in how to live our lives. He was saying that money isn't important to him and that he can live off very little. He was talking about pursuing passion and living in the moment and being a free spirit able to travel and not being tied down. I was saying that, while yes money is important to me - but the reason is because it gives me the ability to raise my standard of living, and in turn raise up the quality of life for those around me whom I care about. I believe that money and business are not bad things. J believe they are good things that allow us to have easier lives of greater quality. Money drives investment which in turn allows for the creation of new innovations that solve world problems. While I don't have any qualm in the life of a minimalist, I feel there is as much purpose living a life as a businessman or an employee. Not everyone is cut out to run a business and take all the risk. But one shouldn't demonize the attempt.

and that I met the Czech girl, she got something bad memory like me(being bulled), she's been raped a few years ago, because of that she has some jinx so we got some commons so talked about commons. But thing is that she is here for get a permanent visa, and been here for about 3 years or so. Because of that she had to work hard and finally her colleagues accepted her endeavor.

Q. What do you want to do for living?!

A. The person who is working for the water.

But, I guess she just want to dream about without doing something for it.

Even though, I don't know about here all so no judgement. I respected her. And she is a sexy girl as she said to me.


Veronica is one of my colleagues at work. The thing is that her parents' job is that her mom is judge and her dad is lawyer.

So I got interested about it. Because, I guess there should be some facts that they are lawyer and judge. So I asked her few questions.

Q. What are their hobbies?

    Reading books

    Socializing specially father

Mathilde is also one of my colleagues at work. She likes outdoor sports. And she said that used to be a pro snowboarder. But after got injured she had to quit. Even though, her personality is really cool, positive person after all. Oh, she was born near the ski resort in France. I forgot the name of the city.

Q. What do your parents do for living?

    Chef and Waitress - mother

    Ski patrol - father

Q. What are their hobbies?

    Be in the nature(pretty much just outdoor side)

Alex is working in the butchery department. He is also positive person like Mathilde.

Q. Do you like reading books?

   Yes, a bit but not much, try to read some, because it's good for brain. When I'm reading am moving around all the time. I like outdoor sports a lot. My sister like to read books, I like to follow her somehow.

Result: Reading books, socializing, and do what I like.
