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Working Holiday/New Zealand


positive things

studied English

practiced playing the piano

had a day-off because of ill

 - I realized that I didn't own anything but depend on, work at the new world isn't everything but just a means to live in Wanaka.

started to read a book again

 - I should keep doing this, it's so much better then study mysql somehow, anyway, I better stick in one, when I get used to read books then I will do studying Mysql. One by one, balance.. haha I forget it all the time.

I cooked for lunch today the menu was pasta but wasn't bad at all, as cook is one of my favorites to do things so  will do sometimes.

I watched "impromptu, 1991" today. it's about Chopin's love story, like "the theory of everything, 2014". I guess almost great people like Steve jobs, Stephen Hawking, Chopin, so on have love story somehow. But actually no idea how it happened to them. And in the movie "theory of everything" I was thinking about sacrifice, if I get blinded by love then I might be that situation. But so far I have no idea what the love is. I will see someday, when I am living my life as I am then it maybe come to visit me.


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