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Working Holiday/New Zealand


positive things

practiced playing the piano

studied English

figuring out about mySQL

 - installed utility, now I need to know how to use the tool.

searched a house to rent

had a B.B.Q party at home

 - got a french guy's facebook: for smoking X together this Friday B.B.Q party

 - got a japanese guy's facebook: for sharing information about rent house. And he said he was going to stay here till this winter season.

 - met lots of outgoing people they have so much passion for joying the moment. I really envy them. :)

I was thinking about my bad moment when I was in middle school, but even though as I do know there is almost nothing I can do now but I realized that I shouldn't let that happen again to me. So that means that I have to live my very moment in present. And do what I want to first and rest of other things  I do later. Be positive?! is not easy but worth to keep trying. And when I know what I want to do and doing it and know why then I can calm. But as the situation changes all the time, just try to focus on being myself, I can change myself. My real goal is that face with them who bullied me at the time and get apologize. But have to prepare about after that, because that is not my final goal. Bad things happens, people die, someone get hurt, get sick, past is past, but that is the case then, I will just move on, but as I do know they are still living without caring about me. So I will prepare something for them.. revenge is not the best policy but that is bullshit. for 5 years... I need more experiences for preparing and knowledge.


'Working Holiday > New Zealand' 카테고리의 다른 글

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(18.Janurary.2015)  (0) 2015.01.18