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Working Holiday/New Zealand


positive things

practiced playing the piano

studied English

stretched my body

went to work

- had fun with Taylor and other colleagues.

organized(brought) the empty beer bottles from the party to the down stairs

contacted to the person in gymnastic in Wanaka and managed to meet this Wednesday 6:45 pm

I realized that "Nelson Mandela" and "Martin Luther King, Jr." are not the same person.


'Working Holiday > New Zealand' 카테고리의 다른 글

(3.Febrary.2015)  (0) 2015.02.03
(2.Febrary.2015)  (0) 2015.02.02
(31.January.2015)  (0) 2015.01.31
(30.January.2015)  (0) 2015.01.31
(28.January.2015)  (0) 2015.01.28